The Augmented Projection

AR & Projection Mapping
Interactive Installation
Summer 2019
Dopium LA x LA Design Festival 2019


“The Augmented Projection“ is a mixed reality experience that challenges the dimensional limitations of 2D/3D representational drawing, and explores into the overlays of physical and digital mediums to uncover the withdrawn in representation. Conventional readings of part-to-whole and the whole get provoked.

The installation consists of a video mapping projection of architectural elevations and tectonic diagrams of an object. The drawings are rear projected on a loop onto four clear acrylic panels. A reciprocal AR experience consists of overlaying original 3D content utilized to generate the projected architectural elevations and tectonic diagrams.

The variation of the projected content and AR content allows for different users to have different experiences of the installation simultaneously. The effect of the experience is such that the readings of 2D drawing and AR content overlay with a level of indeterminacy not ordinarily present in any of both mediums.

Made with Unity, Rhino, and MadMapper.

Type:            Installation
Event:          Re:Purpose Art Show for the
                      LA Design Festival 2019
Curator:      Dopium LA
Size:             125 Sq Ft
Typology:    AR & Projection Mapping
Location:    Los Angeles China Town, CA

1. Physical & digital setup diagrams.
2. Projected looping scene of elevations and axon drawings.
3. Videos of Unity app running the physical and digital overlay.
4. Photos of installation in place and iOS user experience.